New things to deal with
Zeke got through the sedated CT scan with no complications this morning and we were so grateful. His iv line access is very limited and it was very clear this morning that the majority of his veins have scar tissue and need time to heal. In addition to the venous and aterial clots in his legs, Zeke has a blood clot in his jugular where the central line was. The thrombosis team will meet us so we can discuss what CT believes is an arteriovenous fistulas in the jugular vein where the clot was found. This is a rare abnormality in which arteries connect directly with veins, bypassing the capillaries. This is something that the team will investigate tomorrow with an ultrasound to the neck to clarify if the diagnosis is accurate. This is concerning and will require more conversation regarding what this means for Zeke and what needs to be done. Please pray for a clear path of treatment if he has the abnormality.
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