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Unexpected Waiting

March 27, 2022

This morning, there are feelings of discouragement and exhaustion. Please be in prayer for both myself, (Mama) and Ezekiel. Zeke still has his chest tube in that drains fluid from his chest where the incision is. It's draining more than they would like and has picked up rather than slowed down as it should. It's been a little longer than expected for a post op patient. They have tested for a few things they thought it was and now are going to do a neck and chest ultrasound to see if there are any clots.

He gets the central line out of his neck because it's been in longer than it should for a post op patient and its at a higher risk for infection. They will then put in what's called a picu line in his arm to administer meds and the nutrients (TPN). This will require them to sedate him, something I am not looking forward to as they have just weaned him off sedation meds.

The neck and chest ultrasound will be done on Monday as it is the weekend. He starts feeds today slowly and praying he has no bloody poop and the antibiotics did their job.

Pray for strength and encouragement for Buhle, and that her heart would not turn to worry, but to trust in these difficult days.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition, and with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

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1 comentario

01 abr 2022

Hi i can relate to your journey my own daughter also has Heterotaxy (right atrial issomerim) syndrome and is a splenic, she’s had 3 open heart surgeries to date, she’s now almost 14 years old, we live in Ireland

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